
Showing posts from June, 2017

June 29, 2017

                                                                Tempus Fugit !!!!!   Hello again everyone!  My oh my, the above photo wasn't taken yesterday....that's for sure, more like 40 years ago in Montreal..... Anyway back to business, this past Monday I had my MRI done which finished the required testing. It was a waiting game as to when I would get to see the surgeon. I finally got the call and the appointment was set for Thursday morning at 10:15. I had no idea what to expect going in. I was hoping for the best but I was prepared for the worst. It was a pretty good meeting, about 45 mins. It was definite that the biopsies confirmed that it was cancer, and also in the nodes. It won't be until surgery and the nodes are removed and analysed that the true prognosis will be known ( in my opinion ). There were a number of options proposed. The doctor, Chris Smith, was matter of fact which I certainly prefer. The options were numerous and detailed so I will no

June 23, 2017 Two Weeks In

Hi Everyone, Sorry I have been so long between posts but I am really still waiting for the data to be gathered. Sharon was talking to Dr Felix this morning and the CT scan shows there is some Lymph Node involvement but no spread to the liver, which I am to interpret as being on the good side of news. The results of the biopsies are still not back, seems like a long time but what do I know! Hopefully they will be back next week and I will have a meeting with the surgeon soon. Otherwise life goes on as normal! I have been spending time with Adrienne and Jennifer, they have been excellent, in touch with their dad every day. Sharon and I have been carrying on as normal, and I must say, that at this point, I feel really calm about it all ( you never know how you will react until it hits you ), I sleep well every night, I do not dwell or think about it much at all, whatever is going to happen is going to's out of my hands and I have 110% confidence in our health system

Day 1 ----------June 9, 2017

I received a call from the  Cancer screening program and my sample was abnormal. So they scheduled a colonoscopy for me on June 9, this past Friday. The results were not good, I talked to the doctor after and I was informed that I had colon cancer. So there is somewhat of a struggle ahead but with all your support we will deal with it.  I will post updates as they become available. Thanks for all your concern. Cya John