June 23, 2017 Two Weeks In

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I have been so long between posts but I am really still waiting for the data to be gathered. Sharon was talking to Dr Felix this morning and the CT scan shows there is some Lymph Node involvement but no spread to the liver, which I am to interpret as being on the good side of news. The results of the biopsies are still not back, seems like a long time but what do I know! Hopefully they will be back next week and I will have a meeting with the surgeon soon.

Otherwise life goes on as normal! I have been spending time with Adrienne and Jennifer, they have been excellent, in touch with their dad every day. Sharon and I have been carrying on as normal, and I must say, that at this point, I feel really calm about it all ( you never know how you will react until it hits you ), I sleep well every night, I do not dwell or think about it much at all, whatever is going to happen is going to happen....it's out of my hands and I have 110% confidence in our health system, you have to!

Hopefully I will not be 2 weeks before the next post. Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes, they are gratefully appreciated....and I feel the love! Thank you again for your support.

Take care




  1. You're in our thoughts and prayers my buddy! Thanks for keeping us up to date and keeping a positive attitude is half the battle! You can beat this just look at your beautiful wife! Hugs��


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