June 29, 2017

                                                                Tempus Fugit !!!!!

 Hello again everyone! 

My oh my, the above photo wasn't taken yesterday....that's for sure, more like 40 years ago in Montreal.....

Anyway back to business, this past Monday I had my MRI done which finished the required testing. It was a waiting game as to when I would get to see the surgeon. I finally got the call and the appointment was set for Thursday morning at 10:15.

I had no idea what to expect going in. I was hoping for the best but I was prepared for the worst. It was a pretty good meeting, about 45 mins. It was definite that the biopsies confirmed that it was cancer, and also in the nodes. It won't be until surgery and the nodes are removed and analysed that the true prognosis will be known ( in my opinion ). There were a number of options proposed. The doctor, Chris Smith, was matter of fact which I certainly prefer. The options were numerous and detailed so I will not get into them here. Suffice it to say they could range from short term radiation ( 5 days but could require  a short term ostomy ), to long term radiation ( 6 weeks ), then surgery, no radiation just surgery, etc.

However, the one thing that came through loud and clear is that this is serious surgery with many risks but he seems to feel that I am in reasonably good health so that will help in the healing process. I would be looking at 7 - 10 days in hospital and another 3 or more weeks recovering. It's going to be hard but I told him whatever it takes I will accept. Before he decides what path for sure, he is going to consult on my case with oncologists, radiologists, and other surgeons and consider all opinions and expertise. I agree for sure this is the most prudent route to take, for, as he says, we only get one shot at this. In preparation, he wants me to have another colonoscopy next week that he himself will do. The colonoscopy is easy, the day before is not.

He gave some other information regarding the size of, depth of cancer into muscle walls, etc but that's for another day.

Again, thanks for all your support and caring. And may I encourage you to get checked....all you have to do is call 1-855-614-0144.....Colon Screening Program. They will mail you a simple kit, you complete it in 2 days, return in ( postage paid ) in the mail, and within a week you will know where you stand, you may thank me later....

Take care,



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