N E W S ! ! !

                                                                        N E W S !!!!!

My last post was not uplifting, to say the least. Despite the fact I have a long recovery ahead, I did receive some positive news yesterday!

I received a call from my radiation oncologist, Dr. Stuckless. It was basically a follow-up call to see how I was doing, also I had radiation in August. She did not know how sick I had gotten, but she was saddened when she brought it all up on her screen. However, she really called to go over the pathology report from my original surgery.

Basically: the cancer was gone
                 nothing found in the nodes or in surrounding organs
                 the cancer to the right was actually insitu ( i.e. pre-cancerous )
                 the cancer to the left was early stage 
                 she informed me that based on the clean pathology report she did not think that chemo
                      would be of any added benefit to me

Y              A             H               O                 o

Now, I just have to overcome this misery I am going thru now. Not finished yet with hospital tests and doctor visits......but it beats the above!!!!!

BTW, Friday the 13th is not always bad ! 


  1. Yipeeeeee!!!! Glad to hear one less hurdle to tackle!! Hugs!! Xoxo

  2. Good News John Now tthe road ahead is open and ours to take ! Thinking of you and Sharon E & E

  3. Great news John for you and your family. So happy for you guys..........better than winning the lottery.
    Linda and Kevin

  4. FANTASTIC news John❤️❤️


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