
Showing posts from October, 2017

N E W S ! ! !

                                                                        N E W S !!!!! My last post was not uplifting, to say the least. Despite the fact I have a long recovery ahead, I did receive some positive news yesterday! I received a call from my radiation oncologist, Dr. Stuckless. It was basically a follow-up call to see how I was doing, also I had radiation in August. She did not know how sick I had gotten, but she was saddened when she brought it all up on her screen. However, she really called to go over the pathology report from my original surgery. Basically : the cancer was gone                  nothing found in the nodes or in surrounding organs                  the cancer to the right was actually insitu ( i.e. pre-cancerous )                  the cancer to the left was early stage                   she informed me that based on the clean pathology report she did not think that chemo                       would be of any added benefit to me Y           

The Road Ahead

                                                                     October 8, 2017 Well it appears I stayed at St. Clare's with a catherer and 2 large tubes inserted thru the rectum to get rid of the abcesss for 4 days, comfortable as you can imagine. Then all was removed and I was released all in the same day! Well 4 days later Sharon noticed that I had a temperature. Back to the hospital ( HSC this time ), much to my joy, I was admitted immediately, seems the abscess had never beed totally drained so the infection was still there. This time I was under the care of Dr Michael Hogan. I was admitted Sept 14 and discharged Sept 29! When I went in for surgery Aug 14th I weighed 186lbs, today I weigh 151. My energy is nil, my appetite is starting to come back but I have a long road ahead  of me. My chemothertherapy has been delayed because I am not strong enough to handle it right now. It is going to be a long road back, but what is the alternative? So you'll u