The Road Ahead

                                                                    October 8, 2017

Well it appears I stayed at St. Clare's with a catherer and 2 large tubes inserted thru the rectum to get rid of the abcesss for 4 days, comfortable as you can imagine. Then all was removed and I was released all in the same day!

Well 4 days later Sharon noticed that I had a temperature. Back to the hospital ( HSC this time ), much to my joy, I was admitted immediately, seems the abscess had never beed totally drained so the infection was still there. This time I was under the care of Dr Michael Hogan. I was admitted Sept 14 and discharged Sept 29!

When I went in for surgery Aug 14th I weighed 186lbs, today I weigh 151. My energy is nil, my appetite is starting to come back but I have a long road ahead  of me. My chemothertherapy has been delayed because I am not strong enough to handle it right now. It is going to be a long road back, but what is the alternative? So you'll understand why I am recluse right now.


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