The Next Step...

Radiation Done !!!!!!!!

This has been a bit of a tough week mentally! The actual radiation wasn't too bad, but all the info about upcoming things was a little overwhelming at times. The above is my selfie after the meeting with the Medical Oncologist....

The above was a card that I received from Adrienne's friend that gave me a great laugh and expressed how I felt all at the same time!! Anyway, settle down John...

My surgery is scheduled for Monday morning at 11AM.
Too much information to share from this past week, suffice it to say that it is a very complicated surgery on Monday with many possibilities. I may wake up with an ileostomy, a colostomy, ( both possible, permanent or temporary { up to 2 years } ), or wake up with neither. The recovery should be about 2 months at which time I will begin chemotherapy. For chemo, I will have a port inserted into my chest through which I will receive the drugs every 2 weeks for 6 months.The drugs take about 2 days to diffuse through the body, not sure how I will be during that period, hoping it won't be too bad. 

Won't bore you anymore with too much detail....

Spending most of my time relaxing on the deck and with the girls.

Weather is good, hope it stays that way so I can sit on the deck during recovery. I have Florida booked for 2019! 

Take care and wish me luck



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